In recent years, the demand on exhibitions has increased significantly. How to effectively communicate exhibition concept of curator to visitors has become an important issue. Thus, the purpose of this research is to establish a curatorial process of exhibitions and to verify its communication effectiveness through a case study so as to develop a model for curatorial process. The exhibition of "The Origins of Taiwan-The Aesthetics of Organic Lifestyle of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan" held in Taipei was chosen as the case study example. The research methods included in-depth interview with the curator and questionnaire surveys of the curator, 9 curatorial team members and 149 visitors of the exhibition. At last, a model of curatorial process was proposed. It included two phases (conceptual phase and executional phase), four steps (concept formulation, exhibition planning, exhibition design, and exhibition installation), six tasks (space planning, image coordination, exhibit production, exhibition simulation, crisis handling and detailed adjustments) as well as eight strategies (simplicity and emphasizing, visitor relevance, theme accuracy, color coordination, form and material coordination, enlargement and miniaturizing, deconstruction and recombination, responsiveness and aesthetic embodiment). The results of questionnaire surveys showed that although there were some differences in terms of rating results in visiting experience between the curator, curatorial team members and visitors, however, all of their ratings fell between "agree" and "extremely agree". Therefore, we can conclude that the model of curatorial process obtained from this study is effective in communications between the curator, curatorial team members, and visitors.
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