


The Effects of Product Qualia on Brand Image


顏惠芸(Hui-Yun Yen);林伯賢(Po-Hsien Lin);林榮泰(Rung-Tai Lin)


產品感質要素 ; 品牌形象 ; 品牌情感 ; 中介效果 ; Qualia Factors in Product ; Brand Image ; Brand Love ; Mediating Effects




20卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 24






Manufacturers have developed increasingly mature production technologies in recent years, and their competitors have quickly generated comparable technologies. In addition to functional and engineering requisites, products incorporate affective attributes such as attractiveness, aesthetics, and creativity, which are key factors consumers seek when selecting brand products. Therefore, product designs must consider not only consumer needs but also consumer mentality and emotions when using the products. Thus, determining consumer needs based on the affective value of products can strengthen brand image and facilitates identification of product advantages. The five factors of the qualia program proposed by the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs were modified to develop a product qualia factor scale. Brand affect and brand image scales were combined as research instruments for structural equation modeling analysis, which yielded the following results: (a) Product qualia had positive promoting effects on brand image. (b) Brand affect mediated the relationship between product qualia and brand image and qualia product promoted the spread of brand image through brand affect. (c) Through strengthened brand affect strategies, the effect of product qualia on brand image could be enhanced. In other words, consumers develop a positive affect toward a brand through their affect toward a product. During the process of brand image formation, product design can enhance brand image through brand affect. In the future, manufacturers designing new products can reference the product qualia factors to develop competitive products. Finally, we propose suggestions for relevant institutes and interested researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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