


The Differences between Web Interactivity Design and User Perceived Interactivity: The Comparison of Two ACG Portal Sites


李瑞翔(Jui-Hsiang Lee);李傳房(Chang-Franw Lee);游萬來(ManLai You)


入口網站 ; 網站互動性 ; 互動性感知 ; ACG ; Portal Site ; Web Interactivity ; Perceived Interactivity




20卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


21 - 42






With the rapid development in computer mediated communication, human and computer interactions have been improved when users surf on the internet. But human and human interactions in CMC are still neglected. Although current ACG portal sites have their unique interactivity design, they may not fit ACG users interactivity preferences. To evaluate user's hedonics, utilization and satisfaction on ACG portal sites, this study defines three analysis components- user control, responsiveness, connectedness, to explore user perceived interactivity. An online survey was conducted based on a sample of 445 students recruited from the digital multimedia department in three universities. SEM techniques are applied to gather data for comparisons of participants' experience in using two different design features, human-computer and human-human interaction, in ACG portal sites. The results of this research indicate three outcomes. First, the user perceived interactivity in human-computer design sites is ranked higher than the hedonic value, whereas it is ranked in the opposite way on human-human design sites. Second, it is not clear whether the utilization value influences user perceived interactivity on human-computer design sites; however, the values of hedonics, utilization and satisfaction are all impacted by user perceived interactivity on human-human design sites. Finally, the hedonic value has impacts on user perceived interactivity on sites with different design features, whereas the utilization value does not.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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