


A Study on the Relationship among Personal Knowledge Management, Work Efficacy, and Design Performance of Designers


閻建政(Chien-Cheng Yen)


個人知識管理 ; 設計績效 ; 工作效能 ; 工作感受 ; 工作成效 ; Personal Knowledge Management ; Design Performance ; Work Efficacy ; Work Perception ; Work Effectiveness




20卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


63 - 87






This study took graphic designers as the target of investigation and was carried out by the questionnaire method to explore the relationship among personal knowledge management, work efficacy (including work perception and work effectiveness) and design performance. Designers of different background attributes were also compared regarding their personal knowledge management. It is hoped that the findings can serve as a reference for design organizations or designers. The results revealed that personal knowledge management implementation is influenced by contextual factors such as a designer's position in an organization and organizational type. Designers that hold a managerial position implement knowledge management better than those that do not. Moreover, designers that work for design firms implement personal knowledge management better than those that work for other types of organization. Furthermore, personal knowledge management exerts a positive influence on personal design performance, work effectiveness, and work perception. In addition, personal knowledge management has a positive influence on personal work effectiveness through personal work perception, but not on personal design performance through personal work perception and personal work effectiveness. Besides, personal work perception has a positive influence on personal work effectiveness, but not on personal design performance, and personal work effectiveness does not have a significant influence on personal design performance.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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