As reuse of industrial heritage space actively expands domestically, the checking items for evaluating the result of "adaptive" reuse of space should be systematically established. This paper aims to specify the checking items for evaluating "adaptive" reuse of industrial heritage space. The research was divided into three phases. In first phase, in-depth interviews of seven experts in reuse of industrial heritage space from industry, government and academia were conducted; their opinions were then encoded and analyzed. In second phase, through two-cycle KJ method, results from first phase interviews were categorized, deduced, and entitled for the follow-up Delphi survey. The Delphi-1 Questionnaire contained 4 evaluation dimensions and 18 sub- items. The third phase integrated opinions from 14 experts and continued three cycles of expert survey to reach the agreement in expert’s opinions. At last, 4 evaluation dimensions and 22 sub- items were created for evaluating adaptive reuse of industrial heritage space. There are 5 sub-items in the "Value of reuse" dimension, 6 sub-items in the "Stakeholder of reuse" dimension, 5 sub-items in the "Planning of reuse" dimension and 6 sub-items in the "Management of reuse" dimension. The result of this paper can be provided as the criteria to evaluate if the value of reuse is manifested, if the benefits of the Stakeholders are valued, and if it’s well-planned and managed when it comes to reuse of Industrial heritage space.
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