


Investigating the Effects of Portrait-based Charity Advertisement


曾榮梅(Jung-Mei Tsen)


慈善廣告 ; 心智障礙者 ; 正/側面人像 ; 捐款 ; 自主形象 ; Charity Advertisement ; Mental Disabilities ; Frontal/Profile Images ; Donation ; Self-sufficiency Image




21卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


65 - 82






In light of the slow global economic recovery, charities have struggled with resolving problems caused by insufficient donations. Therefore, previous media image strategies used in charity promotion campaigns have become a vital aspect requiring re-examination. This study examined five types of media images featuring people with mental disabilities that were presented in advertisements published by various charities. The images were categorized into frontals and profiles based on the line of vision of the featured characters. We investigated the effects of these types of image on eliciting the willingness to donate and enhancing the images of people with disabilities as self-sufficient individuals. The results show that, compared with the advertisements featuring frontal images, the advertisements featuring profile images were significantly more effective in eliciting the willingness to donate and enhancing the images of people with disabilities as self-sufficient individuals.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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