


The Characters, Meaning and Context of Ceramics Re-Creation in Art and Design


馬睿平(Jui-Ping Ma);黃娜玲(Naling Hwang)


陶瓷品 ; 再創作 ; 藝術與設計 ; Ceramics ; Re-Creation ; Art and Design




22卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


1 - 24






The ancient China is the one of the earliest areas that owned advanced ceramic production technology and mature ceramic cultural development in the world. Yet, in the past era when the technology of mass production was not developed, ancestors treasured damaged ceramic articles for daily purpose, clinging to the moral excellence of thrift and care for things around and doing everything they can to restore their functions, and developed the repair technology united with the damaged ceramic art. Lately, some creators began to take breakage ceramics as constituting elements, blended with various skills, multiple materials, methods to create novel ideas of artistic creation and design. Because there are not enough studies with systemic methods for the maturation of this region, this study adopts grounded theory, social network analysis with the existing ceramics works to explore its manifestations and significance, and resumed the development of reprocessing in the graphics and design. The findings are as follows: (1) "ceramics reusing" issues in the use of material, technique, creative thoughts, and commentaries on works are generalized; (2) the "ceramics reusing" issues on the social network relationship between material, technique and creative concept are explored; (3) an overall contextual framework of "ceramics reusing" within the growing topic of creation and point of some possibilities for further inquiry is offered.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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