


Introspection on Possibility of Social Practice from Promotion of Experiential Learning in Communities: A Case Study of Design Workshop in Laiji Tribe in Alishan Township


黃世輝(Shyh-Huei Hwang);蘇秀婷(Hsiu-Ting Su)


體驗學習 ; 社會實踐 ; 來吉部落 ; 設計工作坊 ; Experiential Learning ; Social Practice ; Laiji Tribe ; Design Workshop




22卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


1 - 19




學校課程中教師帶領學生進入社區學習,讓抽象的理論知識有實踐機會,達成社會需求與真實的社會接軌。台灣原住民部落發展觀光,導致族人真實的生活場域與遊客的觀光舞台重疊,衍伸不少問題。同時,族人積極關懷在地人事物凝聚共同意識,讓大學和社區的互動關係更顯得重要。本研究透過參與式行動研究,探討推動來吉部落設計工作坊時,各成員的角色任務、互動方式、參與過程。研究結果:1.成員以「互為主體」的互動方式,建立合作協力關係可解決遭遇到的挑戰;2.完整的社區體驗學習設計工作坊的參與過程總共有13 個階段、35 個步驟,但也會部分反覆、跳躍進展或返回;3.工作坊作為大學與社區間的互動學習方式,是輕薄短小但持續的共創培力模式。


School curricula give teachers the opportunity to lead students to learn in a community and put abstract theory into practice to achieve social needs and real connection to the society. Taiwan's indigenous tribes developing tourism has made the actual living area of tribal people overlap with tourists' sightseeing stage, and quite a few issues have derived because of this. Meanwhile, residents actively care for local people, matters and objects to coagulate consensus, which makes interaction between a university and community more important. Through participatory action research, the study probed into the roles, missions, interaction methods and participatory processes of members of Laiji Tribe Design Workshop. The results show that: 1.With the method of "inter-subjectivity," members cooperated to solve challenges they faced; 2.The participatory process of the complete design workshop for experiential learning in communities included 13 stages and 35 steps. However, some of them repeated and had leaping progress or returned to previous ones;3. Serving as an interactive learning method between a university and community, the workshop was a small yet continuous mode for co-creation empowerment.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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