


A Study of the Optimal Design of Static Text for Small Screens


閻建政(Chien-Cheng Yen)


智慧型手機 ; 小型螢幕 ; 靜態文本 ; 田口法 ; Smart Phones ; Small Screens ; Static Text ; Taguchi Method




22卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


21 - 44




隨著智慧型手機的日益普及,透過小型螢幕隨時隨地閱讀資訊的需求也日益提升,因此符合使用者閱讀需求之文本設計便顯得格外重要。本研究以智慧型手機為研究工具,透過田口法以實驗方式針對不同因子水準組合之靜態文本及不同年齡層做測試,旨在從中找出最適化之因子水準組合以及各因子對閱讀及視覺績效之影響度排序,俾能供未來小型螢幕在靜態文本設計上之參考。研究結果顯示,閱讀搜尋績效會隨著年齡之增加而遞減,閱讀疲勞度卻會隨著年齡之增加而遞增,顯示年齡確實是影響閱讀搜尋績效及閱讀疲勞度的一個重要變項;此外,極性、字型、字級、行距、及字距均會對閱讀搜尋績效及閱讀疲勞度產生一定影響,其中,以字級之影響程度最高、字型次之,字距及行距則較低;再者,對整體年齡層言,靜態文本最適化設計之因子水準組合為:陽性極性、中黑體字型、12 pt字級、1倍字高行距、0.5 pt字距。


With smart phones getting more popular, the need for reading information through small screens at any time and any place is also increasing more and more. Thus the text design meeting the reading needs of users becomes especially important. This study used smart phones as a research tool to carry out tests on static texts with different combinations of factor levels and different age groups by Taguchi method, in order to find the optimal combination of factor levels and the ranking of the factors affecting reading and vision performance, and thus provide a reference for the future static text design of small screens. The results revealed that search performance in reading decreased with increasing age; however, reading fatigue level increased with increasing age. It demonstrated that age is really an important factor affecting search performance in reading and reading fatigue level. In addition, polarity, font, character size, line spacing and character spacing (kerning) all had influence on search performance in reading and reading fatigue level, and among them character size had the most influence; font was the second; and character spacing and line spacing had less influence. Furthermore, for the whole age group, the combination of factor levels of the optimal design of static texts was: positive polarity, medium bold font, 12 pt character size, 1 character height line spacing, 0.5 pt character spacing.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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