


A Study on Framework Development and Emotional Design Factors Affecting Consumers' Preferences for Cultural and Creative Products


顏惠芸(Hui Yun Yen)


產品設計 ; 情感設計 ; 購買意願 ; 喜好度 ; Product Design ; Emotional Design ; Purchase Intention ; Preference




23卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


21 - 44






In the era in which design dominates emotional senses, the integration of cultural creativity into design has become the important key to enhancing national competitiveness in this trend. Internet technology has facilitated the interaction between consumer markets around the world. This growing trend underscores the need to study products with emotional design characteristics and uniqueness. This study aimed to explore the differences between currently available design products in the consumer market and the assignments of product design courses to identify the prevailing principles of product design at present. This study investigated the design products by professional designers and university students to determine the influences of product emotional design dimensions on consumers' purchase intention of and preference for those products. This study reached the following conclusions. First, the proposed measurement scale for product emotional design is feasible. Second, the emotional design of a product influences preference for the product, which in turn strengthens purchase intention for that product. Third, appropriate teaching methods may equip students to produce works of commercial value. In the future, these principles can be integrated into design education to cultivate design talents who satisfy market needs. They can also serve as a reference for related industries in product design.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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