


Exploring the Factors of Slow Market Development and Strategies for Design and Business Innovations of Recreational Vehicle Industry in Taiwan


洪偉肯(Wei-Ken Hung)


露營車 ; 產業分析 ; 產品適應 ; 設計創新 ; 產業創新 ; Recreational Vehicle ; Industry Analysis ; Product Adaptation ; Design Innovation ; Industry Innovation




24卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


17 - 40






Although camping has boomed as a leisure activity in Taiwan in recent years, the recreational vehicle market remains small. To understand the factors that affect the industry's development, we interviewed the manufacturers, importers, association experts, and users of recreational vehicles based on three aspects- external impact, industry structure, and industry behavior-and evaluated the weights of influencing factors through lead users. The results showed that the "regulatory factors" resulting from the external impact have the greatest influence; they not only restrain the market demand and industrial supply but also affect the industry structure and behavior. The other factors did not present the same impacts on motorhome or caravan industry; these impacts have led to the existing market scenario wherein the share of domestic motorhomes far more exceeds imported ones, while the share of imported caravans far more exceeds domestic ones. In response to the impacts, different industry vendors are developing new products or services or adopting a different market positioning strategy as the "design innovation" strategy. Finally, this study discussed suitable design innovation strategies for the recreational vehicle manufacturing industry and suggested that a better innovation approach to motorhome would be "segmented standardization," while "tailored customization" would be apt for the caravan industry. Furthermore, referring to industrial ecosystem perspectives, this study proposed that different types of regulations are key tools for facilitating innovation in the industry. It is hoped that such industry-focused research would enable the designers and entrepreneurs to understand the restrictions and opportunities of the vehicle industry effectively and provide references for governmental policy-making.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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