


Evaluation of Digital Advertising Creativeness: A Study on Dimensions and Indicators Verification


方菁容(Ching-Jung Fang);鄧成連(Cheng-Lein Teng)


數位廣告 ; 廣告創意 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 結構方程模式 ; 評價 ; Digital Advertising ; Advertising Creative ; Confirmatory Factor Analysis ; Structural Equation Modeling ; Evaluation




24卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


41 - 60






Digital era brings forth new challenges because the form of multiple media has changed the nature of brand communication and created new ways to make profits. At the same time, it has also changed the habits and thinking of people when reading messages. As a result, the traditional advertising creativeness evaluation model is no longer applicable in current evaluation. Furthermore, a group of effective and applicable models must be tested by rigorous scientific verification for practical evaluation. The study clarified the meaning and characteristics of digital advertising, and put forward 5 dimensions and 18 indicators as hypothetical models. The five dimensions are "divergence", "strategy", "utility", "interaction" and "overall performance". The 18 indicators are "unique", "startling" "attractive", "imaginative", "change behavior", "logical", "persuasive", "affective", "relevant", "connective", "experienced", "engaged", "entertained", "interactive", "good ideas", "entertaining" and "favorable". A survey and a confirmatory factor analysis were conducted on a group of young people for the verification of the model. The results showed that the evaluation index of the second-order CFA model was superior to the first-order CFA model. The second-order CFA model passed the advertising creativeness evaluation of goodness-of-fit, reliability and validity tests.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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