


The Design Thinking Deeply Related to Inner Meaning-from the Perspective of Theory U


吳靜宜(Ching-Yi WU);李明芬(Ming-Fen Li)


設計思考 ; U型理論 ; 當下澄明覺知湧現 ; 參與式設計 ; 土溝農村美術館 ; Design Thinking ; Theory U ; Presencing ; Co-design ; Togo Rural Art Museum




25卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


25 - 45




近年Tim Brown倡導的「設計思考」將設計師的思考特徵延伸運用到商管、教育等社會系統的設計。因應日趨嚴峻的農村高齡化與城鄉失衡挑戰,社區營造或地方創生的改造設計,因其牽涉因素的複雜度及需要整體關係人的協商共識,則需要長時間集體的協作。本研究探討土溝設計團隊在台南市後壁區土溝里農民協力的社區營造,以及此社造歷程如何發展演化至農村美術館推動的社會創新歷程,研究主旨為探討設計者在社區營造場域中的設計思考演化,以及促成土溝農村群體轉化的社會創新歷程。本研究以質性研究取向的個案研究法為主,從現場觀察、深度訪談和文件分析法蒐集統整多元的資料,並透過U型理論的視角詮釋之。本研究整合運用Brown的設計思考、Stanley King、Merinda Conley、Bill Latimer以及Drew Ferrari參與式設計與U型理論之關聯,研究發現以集體創新方式解決社會系統問題的設計思考歷程包括:1.傾聽內心召喚的發起,2.深入場境的感知與同理理解,3.放下自我的注意力轉向,4.在當下的澄明覺知湧現,與最高可能性連結,5.以行動結晶化新圖像,6.快速創造原型,7.在現實中修正與演化。特別是設計團隊與參與居民在不斷嘗試懸掛自我的當下澄明覺知的湧現,促使他們建立彼此更深的信任,而連結內在深層意義和對新可能性的覺察,則是促進創新設計思考的關鍵環節。


In recent years, Tim Brown has been advocating "design thinking" and endeavoring in integrating designerly ways of thinking into social system design, such as management and education. In order to actively respond to the increasingly rural aging and urban-rural imbalance challenges, the reconstruction and design of community-building or place making demands long-term collective collaboration due to the complexity of the factors involved and the need for consensus on the overall relationship. Through case study, the researchers explore how the design team's "design thinking" evolves, and how their collaborative efforts with the community transform the Togo Village and enhance the social innovation. By adopting this qualitative research approach, the researchers collect data from field observation, in-depth interviews and document analysis, and interpret from the perspective of Theory U. This study discusses Brown's "Design Thinking" and King's "Co-design" in terms of the Theory U and finds that the "design thinking" process leading to Togo Village's social innovation includes: (1) initiating based on inner calling, (2) sensing by deeply observing and empathizing in the field, (3) redirecting the attention by letting go the old ego, (4) presencing-exploring deep inner purposes and the highest possibility, (5) crystallizing the future vision with actions, (6) fast creating a prototype, and (7) evolving in the changing world. Particularly, suspending old self and judgement nurtures the emergence of their presencing, which deepens the mutual trust between the design team and the Togo Village Community. Furthermore, the connection of deep meaning and awareness of new possibilities is critical to innovative design thinking.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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