


Introducing Intergenerational Co-creation into Welfare Design Practice Course


駱信昌(Hsin-Chang Lo)


青銀共創 ; 福祉設計 ; 設計導向學習 ; Intergenerational Co-creation ; Welfare Design ; Design-based Learning




26卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


93 - 110






Based on the observations in practice courses, most of the designs from students are based on their own experiences and thoughts. It is also found that the lack of subsequent actual evaluation often leads to the deviation of the design results from the user's needs. Therefore, this study takes the "Welfare Design Market Trends" as a study example, which adopts design-based learning as the curriculum structure, linking the aging issues in real society, and developing innovative welfare products in a way that is co-created with the senior. This research adopts action research methods including plan, act, observation, and reflection. After two rounds of teaching practice, the following results were obtained: (1) In the process of intergenerational co-creation, students are not only designing for users, but designing with them. The senior play the role of demand provider and co-creator at the same time. As students understand the needs of the target group better, they can come up with design ideas closer to their needs. (2) The prototyping process must consider the physical characteristics of the elders. Increasing the number of prototype iterations will help improve the chances of success of the design project. (3) The design-based learning courses with cross-disciplinary experts who have been in contact with users for a long time can help to produce solutions that meet the needs of users. Finally, the aim of this research is to be used as a reference for a design-based learning curriculum structure for education organizations with limited resources.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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