


Brand Communication Effectiveness Using Creative Strategies from Social Marketing with Ad Awareness and Learning Ad Claims as Intermediaries


方菁容(Ching-Jung Fang)


創意策略 ; 社會行銷 ; 善因行銷 ; 廣告效果 ; Creative Strategy ; Social Marketing ; Cause-Related Marketing ; Advertising Effect




26卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


49 - 69






In recent years, more and more brands and organizations attempt to use novel creativities to resolve latent problems in society and to meet the needs of the public, bringing people a wonderful life. This study investigated the cause-related creative method in social marketing used by international brands. Under two different creative strategies, i.e., information transmission perspective and transferring ritual perspective, we investigated whether the differences in the form of information disclosure affected the communication and cognition of the audiences. In addition, we studied whether the advertisement awareness and advertising claims mediate the effect of advertisement communication. We recruited 208 participants and adopted multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to analyze the data. The research results showed significant differences in the interaction between different creative strategies and advertisement creativity. When the advertisement creativity of a brand social marketing is high, the communication effect of using ritual perspective advertisements was superior to that of using the transmission perspective. By contrast, when the advertisement creativity was low, the communication effectiveness of transmission perspective advertisements was superior to that of ritual perspective advertisements. Advertisement awareness and advertisement communication effectiveness were positively correlated. Likewise, learning advertising claims and advertisement communication effective were positively correlated. The results of this study can provide practical enterprises or brands to manipulate the social marketing, and the design creativity and expression form can be used as a reference for teaching advertising design.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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