


Influence of Flow Experience on Interactive Healing Products


呂佳珍(Chia-Chen Lu);劉開文(Kai-Wun Liu);陳勇廷(Yung-Ting Chen)


療癒 ; 互動型療癒產品 ; 心流體驗 ; 腦電波(EEG) ; Healing ; Interactive healing products ; Flow experience ; EEG




27卷2期(2022 / 06 / 01)


41 - 64






This study explores whether the flow experience affects the healing experience when stimulated by interactive healing products, and compares the differences between different types of interactive healing products. The study consisted of two parts. The first part used the KJ method and focus group interview to screen interactive healing products. The second part was the formal experiment. According to the classification results of the first part, we used the product flow scale, the product healing scale and the brainwave sensor to measure the psychological and physiological values of the experimental products. The analysis method adopted correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and repeated measurement variance to compare the data. The results found that the product flow had a significant and positive impact on the product healing, and the spontaneous experience in the product flow would cast a significant and positive impact on the emotional and sensory comfort of the product healing, soothing and interactive experience. Secondly, focusing on the structure of selflessness had a significant positive impact on emotional transference and soothing the mind in product healing. The emotional stress index in population variables had a significant positive impact on the structure of soothing mind and interactive experience in product healing. From comparing different types of interactive healing products, and analyzing the brainwave changes in the product interaction process, the results found that the average brainwave of attention of regular action products was higher than the others, and the audible feedback products were the lowest. In terms of the average value of brainwave of meditation, the entertainment challenge type was the highest, and the auditory feedback type was still the lowest.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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