


Perceived Withdrawal: Exploring the Design Strategies for Thing-Centered Approach with Botanical Printer


李婉貞(Wan-Chen Lee);梁容輝(Rung-Huei Liang)


物導向哲學 ; 實用主義美學 ; 可感知的撤出 ; 事物中心取徑 ; 設計策略 ; Object-Oriented Philosophy ; Pragmatist Aesthetics ; Perceived Withdrawal ; Thing-Centered Approach ; Design Strategy




27卷2期(2022 / 06 / 01)


65 - 87




互動領域興起事物中心設計趨勢,促使大眾再思考人本主義設計觀點,也豐富事物的多元表達。「物導向哲學」之「撤出」概念,有助於我們從事物的實在性理解互動美感。本研究梳理「撤出」理論脈絡,從實用主義美學(Pragmatist Aesthetics)角度,提出以「可感知的撤出」(perceived withdrawal)作為經驗品質。首先,依據人與物之間的溝通差異,分析當前互動設計案例,將「撤出」之互動表達,主要歸納為三項型態:脈絡撤出、形式撤出、訊息撤出;其次,評述《植物性印表機》作為「撤出」之設計實務研究;最後,綜論事物中心取徑之設計策略:(1)處境探索(situated exploration);(2)矛盾時空(ambivalent space-time);(3)共同推測(co-speculation)。透過設計實踐,期能培養欣賞事物之另類視野,更加增進人與物的日常互動體驗。


In the field of interaction, the trend of thing-centered design emerges, which not only prompts the public to rethink the human-centered design concept, but also enriches the diverse expression of things. The concept of "withdrawal" in object-oriented philosophy helps us to understand the interaction aesthetics from the reality of things. This study sorts out the theoretical context of "withdrawal", and from the perspective of pragmatist aesthetics, puts forward the concept of "perceived withdrawal" as an experiential quality. First of all, we analyze the current interactive design cases based on the communication differences between human and things, and summarize the interactive expressions of "withdrawal" into three types: withdrawal of context, withdrawal of form, and withdrawal of information. Secondly, we review Botanical Printer as a design practice research of "withdrawal". Finally, a comprehensive review of the design strategies for thing-centered design includes situated exploration, ambivalent space-time and co-speculation. Through the interactive practice of thing-centered design, we can cultivate an alternative perspective to appreciate things and enhance the daily interactive experience.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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