


Effects of Experience Design on Brand Equity in the Creative Life Industry-A Case Study of Gaeavilla Resort


張淑華(Shu-Hua Chang)


體驗設計 ; 顧客旅程地圖 ; 以顧客為本的品牌權益 ; 品牌體驗 ; 創意生活產業 ; Experience Design ; Customer Journey Map ; Customer-Based Brand Equity ; Brand Experience ; Creative Life Industry




27卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


1 - 24






Having been promoted in Taiwan for more than 18 years, the creative life industry emphasizes the integration of products, services, activities, and spaces to create customer experience. Planning experience design to promote positive brand equity in customers is a strategic issue for the brand management of enterprises in the creative life industry. Creating customer experience value and forming brand equity through experience design are of great operational importance to the creative life industry. The academic theory of experience design is still at a preliminary stage. This study conducted participant observation, in-depth interviews, and qualitative content analysis with the objective of exploring the elements of experience design and their correlation with brand equity. This study identified six experience design elements, namely value of philosophy, spatial imagery, value-added product, knowledge acquisition, service attractiveness, and program relatability, that affect the formation of brand equity. Research results may serve as references for brand marketing and experience design in the creative life enterprises and can enhance the theoretical framework of the relationship between experience design and brand equity.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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