


The Effect of Design Thinking on Augmented Reality Advertising Design Practice Teaching


方菁容(Ching-Jung Fang)


擴增實境AR ; 廣告設計 ; 設計思考 ; 設計教育 ; Augmented reality AR ; Advertising Design ; Design Thinking ; Design Education




27卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


73 - 91




台灣設計教育重視專業技能的傳授,對於培養學生針對設計議題的探索與思考與建立自我思想與價值觀的教學訓練稍嫌不足。本教學實踐研究計畫主要目的為運用史丹福大學所提出之設計思考,訓練初學廣告設計的學生,讓他們於執行AR專題設計之初,先藉由設計思考工具訓練啟發個人思維和對設計議題的多元探討,再依循設計思考的步驟完成設計專案。本研究經由控制組(control group)和實驗組(experimental group)進行檢測,兩組實驗檢測結果得知,課程中運作設計思考法引發同學對廣告設計和AR科技的思考,有助於AR廣告設計教學,對於提升學生之學習成就產生正向效果。設計思考中的「創意發想(ideate)」和「測試體驗(test)」兩項變數,對於提升參與者之AR廣告設計學習成就產生中介影響。研究結果作為下次廣告設計教學設計之改進建議,亦可作為教授廣告設計相關課程之參考借鏡。


Design education in Taiwan emphasizes the teaching of professional skills. However, the training of students to design issues and establish self-values is not sufficient. The main purpose of this research is to apply the design thinking method established by Stanford University to train students who are learning advertising design for the first time. This method allows them to use design thinking tools to inspire personal thinking and discuss design issues from multiple perspectives when they are making AR designs. Then, they are asked to follow the steps of design thinking to complete the design project. The result of this research is obtained from the study of control group and experimental group. It shows that the application of design thinking in the course stimulates students' thinking about advertising design and AR technology, and is beneficial to AR advertising design teaching. In conclusion, it has a positive effect on students' learning achievement. Two variables in design thinking: "ideate" and "test" have a mediation effect on enhancing participants' learning achievements in AR advertising design. These findings can be used as suggestions and references for advertising design course in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 傳播學
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