


The Imperial Concubine Selection System during the Ming Dynasty




邱仲麟(Chung-Lin Ch'iu)


選婚 ; 后妃 ; 宦官 ; 審美觀 ; 賄賂 ; beauty selection ; imperial concubine ; eunuch ; aesthetic concept ; bribery




11期(2008 / 12 / 01)


1 - 58






This article consists of three parts, of which the first part analyzes the circumstances and changes for the imperial concubine selection in the past, the second part discusses about the expenditure and the aesthetic standards in the beauty selection, the three part trace the role of eunuchs during the selection process. Since 1394, the national selection of imperial concubines during the Ming Dynasty covered many provinces. At the initial stage, the selection of the crowned princess also involved many provinces, but it was only held in Beijing and Bei Zhili at a later stage. As a whole, the main areas for the imperial concubine selection were in Beijing, the five provinces in north China and Nan Zhili. During the imperial concubine selection, eunuchs would usually go to different places to carry out the first round of selection, except during the Ming Emperor Shizong, where the civil officers were dispatched for the first round of selection. Tens or hundreds of the selected ladies would then be sent to the Forbidden City for the second and final round of selection. During the selection year, every district would be responsible for the expenses for the brochure stationary, food and accommodation for the officials. Beijing had the highest selection frequency. Moreover, the final selection was held in Beijing every year, so the expenses were usually higher as compared to the other places. The age of the candidates ranged mainly from 14 to 16. The selection criteria, besides being based on virtues and conduct, required that the candidates should also be of above average height, with good features, neat teeth, shiny hair, scar-less and illness-free physique. Even the voice, skin, breast, reproductive organ, body odor, etc were also included in the judging criteria. When the eunuchs were dispatched to different places for the first round of selection, there would often be cases of harassment and blackmail. During the process from the second round to the final round of selection in the Forbidden City, the eunuch in-charge would give his opinions. Therefore, they naturally became the target for bribery and this would even affect the final placement of the concubines.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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