


A Review of Research in Military History of the Ming-Qing Change Era


李華彥(Hua-Yen Lee)


明代軍事史 ; 明代財政史 ; 晚明 ; 研究史 ; the military history of Ming dynasty ; the financial history of Ming dynasty ; the late Ming ; research history




23期(2014 / 12 / 01)


127 - 154+i-ii






There are two major trends in scholarships on the military system, weisuo (衛所). The first targets single aspects of the system, such as fortresses, conscription, or the use of horses in the military. The second trend presents a comprehensive survey of the military through examining the subjects such as the origin of the Ming military or the maintenance of the "nine garrisons" along the Great Wall. Recent trends tend to combine both approaches to give a holistic picture of how the system operate in a certain time period. Recently, the seventeenth century tends to attract the attention of researchers. At that time, the Ming government was forced to adjust both its military and financial systems due to the wars with the emerging Qing. Supplemental provisioning for the military is another important theme for historical research of this period. All of these areas are yet to be explored fully by researchers of Ming history.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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