


The Debate and Determination of the "Causes of the Fall of the Ming"


楊正顯(Cheng-Hsien Yang)


博學鴻儒科 ; 明史 ; 三魚堂日記 ; 忌諱 ; 亡國 ; Erudite Scholasticus Recruitment Examination ; Ming History ; Diary of the Hall of the Three Fish ; taboo words ; vanquished dynasty




26期(2016 / 06 / 01)


43 - 80






In 1678, the Qing court's inauguration of the "Erudite Scholasticus Recruitment Examination" for the collation of the Ming History was a great event that stirred the community of those who had lived through the dynastic transition. Previous scholarship has focused on the interactions among these examination scholars and their influence on early Qing scholarship. Less attention has been paid to the perspectives of officials in the Ming History Bureau on important historical events and personalities. This article examines Lu Longqi's Diary of the Hall of Three Fish,which records the discussion among the bureau officials' discussions to explain how they debated and determined "the causes of the fall of the Ming."The article first discusses how censorship and pressure to make a living led those who survived the transition to participate in this examination. It is followed by a discussion of the debate on "the theory of marauders causing the fall of the Ming" and the negative assessments of Yang Sichang in Wu Weiye's General Record of Piracy and other sources. The Record of an Orphan's Plea to Heaven, which portraits Yang Sichang in a positive light because it was written by his son, will also be considered. The article then examines the popular late Ming argument that "the Donglin Movement destroyed the dynasty." In their debate, the History Bureau officials took Huang Zongxi's Record of Discarding and Preserving as a standard and sided with the Donglin partisans. They also gave their assessment of the "the Three Cases" in the late Ming. The article concludes with a discussion of the notion about "[false] learning destroying the dynasty." The History Bureau officials debated whether or not, in compling the Ming History, to follow the Song History model to establish a section of "Biographies of Scholars of the Learning the Way" in the Ming History, and whether or not to include Wang Yangming in the section. In the end, the officials ignored Wang's concrete influence on Ming leaning. Instead, they followed the standard of "cultivating the upright and distancing heresy" and placed Wang Yangming in the "Biographies of Meritorious Officials." Later, because of the Kangxi Emperor's revisions, this assessment was reversed. In examining this process of debating and determining the "causes of the fall of the Ming," it is clear that the original version of the Ming History was intended to reconstruct the history base on the facts, to distinguish what is right or wrong, and to construct a persuasive discourse. And yet they perpetuated the contentiousness inherited from the late Ming and were unable to unify the views of the day, which merely perpetuated factional habits. Nevertheless, the Qing court's recruitment successfully drew together the scholars of the realm into the Ming History Bureau and silenced the clamor at the margins. This and the subsequent literary inquisition firmly established the court's authority over the historiography of the vanquished dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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