


The Map of the Astronomical Correspondence of the Nine Regions with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present held in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia


韋胤宗(Wei, Yin-zong)


九州分野輿圖古今人物事跡 ; 坊刻地圖 ; 地圖翻刻 ; The Map of the Astronomical Correspondence of the Nine Regions with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present ; commercially published map ; map reproduction




27期(2016 / 12 / 01)


189 - 219




加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia)亞洲圖書館(Asian Library)收藏了一幅明版《九州分野輿圖古今人物事跡》。該圖繼承宋代石刻《華夷圖》等中國古地圖的編繪傳統,以《大明一統志》為主要資料來源,加入了萬曆初期的文化地理訊息,並與《乾坤萬國全圖古今人物事跡》等晚明、清初其他幾幅地圖極為類似。此圖對於研究明代後期國家經濟、地理沿革、地理學思想以及大幅版刻地圖的刊刻出版都極具價值,故有評介之必要。本文將介紹此圖的幅面、紙張、內容等基本訊息,考證此圖的編繪依據和編刻時間,並期望通過對比此圖與其他類似地圖上的圖記,闡明這幾幅地圖之間的關係,進而說明此圖在中國版刻地圖史上的地位。


The Map of the Astronomical Correspondence of the Nine Regions with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present (Jiuzhou fenye yutu gujin renwu shiji, 九州分野輿圖古今人物事跡), held in the Asian Library of the University of British Columbia, was a continuation of the ancient Chinese map tradition that included the Song dynasty stone-inscribed Map of China and the Barbarians (Hua yi tu, 華夷圖) and other maps. The map drew upon the Comprehensive Gazetteer of the Great Ming (Da Ming yi tong zhi, 大明一統志) as its source, supplemented with information on cultural geography from the early Wanli period. And it is very similar to the Complete Map of Heaven and Earth and the Myriad States with a Record of Human Affairs from the Past to the Present (Qiankun wanguo quantu gujin renwu shiji, 乾坤萬國全圖古今人物事跡) and other maps of the late Ming and early Qing. This map is extremely valuable to those researching the late Ming empire-wide economy, the evolution of geography, theories of geography, and the printing of great maps. Therefore, a critical review is essential. This article introduces basic information on the material form of the map, as well as its contents, investigating the dating of its construction and publication. The records on the map will be compared with that of other similar maps, illuminating the relationship between these maps, to explain the place of this map within the history of Chinese published maps.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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