


"Heading for Fairyland": Local Elites and Disaster Relief in Tianyue Township, Shanyin County, Shaoxing Prefecture, 1641


曹曄(Cao, Ye)


天樂鄉 ; 救荒 ; 地方士紳 ; 鄉族利益 ; Tianyue Township ; disaster relief ; local elites ; clan interests




29期(2017 / 12 / 01)


139 - 175






Disaster relief is an important topic in social history research. Based on primary materials from the late Ming dynasty, especially Qi Biaojia's (1603-1645) diary, this article examines the drought of 1641 in Tianyue Township, Shanyin County, Shaoxing as a case study of relief activities below the county level. The first section analyzes the social processes in Shaoxing during the disasters and famines of the late Ming period, and particularly the local elites' social role in disaster relief. This section also explores in detail the functions and responsibilities of local government and elites, as well as the interactions between them. The second section examines the basic characteristics of li 禮 (Confucian ethics, propriety and rituals) as the motivator of local elite initiatives in disaster relief. The third section investigates a dispute over the repair and maintenance of water conservancy systems as an important part of disaster relief, explaining the balance maintained between the pursuit of private gain and the fulfillment of public good. Thus, a deep and detailed study into this case provides considerable insight into the value of the Confucian tradition, as well as the ecological and social limits in regional issues.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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