


The Zazhiguan (雜職官) System of Ming Dynasty




吳大昕(Wu, Ta-hsin)


雜職官 ; 雜職衙門 ; 地方制度 ; Zazhiguan ; Zazhiguanyamen ; local government system




32期(2019 / 06 / 01)


11 - 54






The Zazhiguan (雜職官) system of the Ming Dynasty was used to manage the government's various income sources except for agricultural land tax. It also provided services such as transportation, information, medical treatment, and celestial almanac, which was very important for the operation of the government. During the Yuan Dynasty, the affairs of the jiandangguan (監當官) and the Zabanguan (雜班官) were designed based on the Huji (戶計) system, which formed a unique management system. This management system classified the people into separate Huji for different officials to manage so as to satisfy various government requirements; the officials managing these affairs were the Zazhiguan. The features of the Zazhiguan of the Ming Dynasty were as follows: (1) they had a government agency independent of the Zhou and the Xian (州縣); (2) they had clerks (Hsu-li胥吏) and Huyi (戶役) subordinate to the government office; (3) they had independent accounting departments; (4) their performances were assessed by the central government. The Zazhiguan system of the Yuan Dynasty continued into the Ming Dynasty, so most of the features above remained in the system of the Ming Dynasty. The Zazhiguan did not answer to the county government; the Zazhiguanyamen (雜職衙門) also was not subordinate to the county; furthermore, the affairs managed by the Zazhiguan were not designated by or required by the county. The Zazhiguanyamen of the Ming Dynasty can help us more concretely understand the local government system of the early Ming Dynasty, and accurately understand whether China had an administrative district lower than Xian during the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the Zazhiguan system is another obvious example of the systems that inherited the systems of the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

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