


From "Official Storehouse" to "Imperial Storehouse": An Examination of Fiscal Management of the Inner and Outer Court of the Ming Dynasty, through a Study of the Operation of the "Treasury and Harmony Store"




錢晟(Qian, Sheng)


官店 ; 皇店 ; 內廷財政 ; 外廷財政 ; 牙行 ; Official Storehouse ; Imperial Storehouse ; Inner Court ; Outer Court ; Hall for Preserving Harmony




35期(2020 / 12 / 01)


43 - 82






In the Ming Dynasty, the Official Storehouse was a government facility primarily for storing goods, while the Imperial Storehouse, which appeared in the middle period of the dynasty, was primarily responsible for collecting taxes and was the personal property of the emperor. Previous studies have regarded the Official Storehouse and the Imperial Storehouse as different names for the same warehouse facilities, and analyzed the activities of these two institutions within the finances of the inner court by investigating their connections to powerful figures such as imperial relatives, meritorious officials, and princes. However, in terms of the evolution of the role of these two institutions in the changing socio-economic structure of the empire, there are still several problems worth examining. In particular, the late Ming saw arise in yahang brokerage within Beijing's business circles. And an examination of these brokers offers an essential reconsideration of the socio-economic developments in this period. On this basis, this article examines the Official Storehouse and the Imperial Storehouse in the following steps. First, I sort out the origins and development of the Official Storehouse and Imperial Storehouse, examining the state's management of the two, and comparing the particular aspects of their operation. This offers a grasp of the development and evolution of the fiscal management system of the Inner Court. Second, the examination of the origins and nature of the Treasury and Harmony Store and an analysis of its role in the collection of taxes shed light on its role in the fiscal system of the Inner Court in the late Ming. Third, in comparing the roles of the Official Storehouse, the Imperial Storehouse and the brokerage system, I clarify the relationship between these three and use them as a basis for understanding the fiscal management and socio-economic structure of the Ming Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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