


The Responsibility of those who Live on: the Evolution of Wang Yangming's Teaching from The Literary Record of Master Yangming to The Complete Works of Master Wang Wencheng




楊正顯(Yang, Cheng-Hsien)


王陽明 ; 《陽明先生文錄》 ; 《王文成公全書》 ; 〈大學古本序〉 ; 錢德洪 ; Wang Yangming ; The Literary Record of Master Yangming ; The Complete Works of Master Wang Wencheng ; "Preface for the Old Version of the Great Learning" ; Qian Dehong




36期(2021 / 06 / 01)


61 - 101






This article demonstrates that political factors during Wang Yangming's lifetime, along with his disciples' divergent views on his thought after his death, led to changes in the editions of his collected works over time. This essay further examines the implications of these changes, with the final version, the Collected Works of Master Wang Wencheng, reflecting the spirit of Wang Yangming as determined by Qian Dehong. The Literary Record of Master Yangming was produced in Guangde amidst the turmoil of old and new political infighting during Wang's lifetime, and therefore did not include his "Preface to Later Master Zhu's Settled Discourse," and his "Preface to the Old Version of the Great Learning." The 1533 edition with Huang Wan's preface was intended to follow the original format of Wang's "recent drafts." However, in the following year, Huang Wan and other disciples were involved in court factional disputes, causing political and scholarly factors to influence the editing of the Literary Record of Master Yangming by Qian Dehong and Huang Xingzeng. This is evident from the removal of Wang's letters pertaining to Huang Wan's discussion of the Great Canon for Clarifying Human Relations as well as references to Zhang Cong. After Wang's death, his disciples took up various positions on the meaning of his "Explanation of ‘Moral Knowledge,'" in which the interpretation of the "extension of knowledge" was a particular concern. In the face of Luo Hongxian's suspicions about the authenticity of the "Preface to the Old Edition of the Great Learning," Qian Dehong cut out the last sentence, "Since the extension of knowledge takes place within the awakening of the mind, then the extension of knowledge is completed within it," proving that this line was controversial. Later disciples and followers each took up this sentence and offered their own explanations, and the exchanges between Nie Bao and Wang Ji on "the extension of knowledge" grew out of this debate and emerged as a highlight within scholarly circles of the day. During the Longqing reign (1567-72), Qian Dehong edited the Supplement to the Literary Record, in which he annotated Wang's writings in order to clarify their deeper meaning, with an eye to defining Wang's own teachings "late in life." In response to Nie Bao's theories which triggered divergences in Wang's legacy, in the Collected Works of Master Wang Wencheng, Qian cut out sections in which Wang praised Nie Bao, in hopes of diminishing Nie's significance. In Qian's revisions of Wang's "Chronology," he emphasized that Chan meditation was not part of Wang's teachings on moral knowledge, in a further refutation of Nie Bao. In the end, through Qian Dehong's revisions of the Collected Works of Master Wang Wencheng, the master's legacy was restored to unity.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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