After the Asian financial crisis, how to evaluate and maintain a good corporate governance in order to prevent future frauds has become an important issue in the recent research literature. Besides, how to improve the performance efficiency of financial institutions by proper corporate governance mechanism is also of interest. This paper examines the relationship between the ownership structure, board characteristics and cost efficiency of Taiwan banks which were listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) or Gre Tai Security Market (GTSM). While previous researches usually apply financial measures, such as ROE or ROA, to evaluate bank performance, this study employs Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) to measure cost efficiency of banks.
In order to evaluate the ownership structure of banks, four variables are used, which are the controlling shareholder's voting rights, controlling shareholder's cash flow rights, the magnitude of deviations from one-share-one-vote, and the magnitude of divergence between the controlling power of the board and the voting rights of the controlling shareholder. As to the measurement of board characteristics, this study employs the board size, stock ownership of the directors and supervisors, percentage of independent directors and supervisors, and the ratio of shares pledged to shares held by directors and supervisors. Furthermore, this study also discusses the different governance characteristics between public banks and private banks.
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