


The Temporal Effects of Technology Accumulation and Technological Maturity on the Adoption and Implementation of Emerging Information Technology




李昌雄(Tsang-Hsiung Lee);陳禹辰(Yu-Chen Chen)


物件導向技術 ; 技術變遷 ; 技術關連性 ; 技術累積 ; 組織學習 ; innovation adoption ; object-oriented technology ; technological inter-relatedness ; technology accumulation ; technological maturity




7卷1期(2000 / 07 / 01)


1 - 18






Object-Oriented Technology has been espoused as potential industrial platform to improve software development process. However, it has not been adopted as widely and as rapidly as many having predicted. To explain this paradoxical phenomenon, we propose a newer concept of technological inter-relatedness. During a long process of rapid technical progress, many related innovations were introduced in industry or adopted by firms at different times. These interrelated innovations adopted in the past by firms may either complement each other in achieving synergistic effects (a technology accumulation case), or constrain the current adoption of new technology for lacking such synergistic effects (a technology burden case). We believe that, in the presence of a set of emerging innovations, an innovation is more likely to be adopted by firms if it complements the technology base of the interested firms, or belongs to a set of interrelated innovations that are more matured. The results of an empirical study moderately support our hypotheses.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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