


The Effects of Organizational Characteristics and Information Technology on Organization Structure




王存國(Twen-Gwo Wang);戴基峰(Chi-Feng Tai)


資訊系統重要性 ; 集權化 ; 正式化 ; 組織創新性 ; 競爭壓力 ; 結構化方程組 ; IS importance ; centralization ; formalization ; innovativeness ; competitive pressure ; SEM




7卷2期(2001 / 01 / 01)


1 - 26






The focus of MIS research interests has shifted from introduction of information systems to management of information systems in recent years. Thetopics related to the integration of IT and organization design have attracted much attention from scholars and senior managers. In fact, organizational structure is one of the most fundamental, important dimensions affected by information systems, since it reflects how businesses process and communicate information, make decisions, and control operations. In this article, the information processing model is adopted to integrate variables such as competitive pressure, organizational innovativeness, IS importance, centralization, formalization, and size into a holistic research model. The research model” is constructed and tested as a structural equation model. Based on the data collected from 220 firms, the results show that IS importance, centralization, and formalization are typical organizational mechanisms with which organizations respond to competitive pressure. In particular, the role IS plays in organizations is the important mediating factor that facilitates both centralization and formalization.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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