


An Empirical Study of the Customer Relationship on Internet




陶蓓麗(Pui-Lai To);廖則竣(Che-Chen Liao);林政道(Cheng-Tao Lin)


關係行銷 ; 網路行銷 ; 線上顧客關係 ; 信任 ; 關係承諾 ; 網際網路 ; Relationship Marketing ; Internet Marketing ; Online Customer Relationship ; Trust ; Relationship Commitment ; Internet




11卷1期(2004 / 01 / 01)


167 - 194




隨著網際網路無遠弗屆的影響,顧客與全業關係建立與維繋的方式也受到衝擊,企業瞭解線上顧客關係的建立與維繫已是迫切的議題。少有研究調查網際網路在關係行銷的角色。本研究目的是瞭解網際網路上的顧客關係,探討影響線上顧客關係的因素。 本研究提出網際網路關係維繫的模型,影響線上顧客關係的因素包括社會、顧客、網站、及互動四個方向,共十一個構面,信任及關係承諾是衡量關係建立與維繋意願的指標。本研究以問卷調查法,選取大台北地區32家企業,每家企業抽取15名網路使用者做為研究樣本,共發出480份問卷,有效問卷回收404份,有效回收率為84.2%。 研究結果驗証了網際網路顧客關係的存在,也証實社會、顧客、網站及互動四方面的因素會影響線上顧客關係,研究建議網站應建立自己的社群、導入顧客關係管理、注重專業領域的投入及網路的互動環境。研究也發現年紀輕、收入低者較易對網站產生信任感,其間接社會束縛的力量也較大;而教育程度低者,雖然顧客專業技能較差,但較願投入精力以建立彼此關係,也較受間接社會束縛力量的影響。此外,在各種不同類型的網站中,入口網站與購物網站最不易取得顧客的信任與關係承諾。研究結果可作為企業界未來訂定網際網路關係行銷政策時的參考,企業界若能瞭解維繫顧客關係的要素,將使企業能更有效的運用網際網路於行銷策略上。


Internet is transforming the customers and sellers relationships. Understanding why customers are receptive to a company on Internet is an emerging issue in relationship marketing. Little research has been done to investigate the enabler role of Internet in relationship marketing theory and practice. The purpose of this study is to explore the customer relationship on the Internet. The study also examines the factors influencing online customer relationship. A model for online customer relationship is proposed. This study suggests that four broad drivers-society, customer, web site, and interaction-affect online customers' receptivity to relationship maintenance. Trust and relationship commitment are used to measure the desire of relationship establishment and maintenance. The survey instrument was distributed to the Internet users of thirty-two companies in the Taipei area, 15 questionnaires for each company. Four hundred and four questionnaires were responded. The valid response rate is 84.2%. Results indicate that the customer relationship on the Internet exists. All four broad drivers, which included society, customer, web site and interaction, are significant predictors in terms of improving customer relationship on Internet. The study suggests that companies should establish their own online community, introduce customer relationship management, focus on their area of expertise and aware of the unique interactive feature on Internet. Results also find that young and low-income customers respond to indirect social bonding and tend to trust companies. Though low-educated customers are low in customer expertise, they are more likely to devote their energy for relationship establishment and tie to indirect social bonding. Also, portal and shopping web sites are less trustful and less likely to be committed. The results enable a firm to understand the roles of Internet on relationship marketing and to develop Internet strategy effectively. It serves as a basis for the future growth of Internet marketing and can guide those wishing to champion Internet marketing in their organization.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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