


Improvement on On-Line FAQ Answering System




楊亨利(Heng-Li Yang);溫鳳祥(Feng-Shiang Wen)


常見問題集 ; 顧客關係管理 ; 關係行銷 ; 售後服務 ; 軟體代理人 ; 代理人程式 ; 社群 ; Frequently Asked Questions FAQ ; Customer Relationship Management CRM ; Relationship Marketing ; Post-Sale Service After-Sale Service ; Software Agent ; Community




11卷2期(2004 / 04 / 01)


1 - 33




在行銷活動中,售後服務是維持顧客滿意度的重要環節。本研究以售後服務中的產品常見問題集(Frequently Asked Questions,縮寫為FAQ)為主題,提出一個FAQ導覽與維護的架構,並實作其雛型系統。使用者可以在系統的協助下,瀏覽與產品有關的FAQ,若找不到想要的資訊,則可以提出新的問題,要求公司為其解答。本架構運用代理人程式的觀念,協助FAQ導覽與新問題處理工作的進行,並利用社群討論的方式,為顧客提出的新問題尋求解答。為了讓企業重視FAQ的維護工作,本研究試圖將FAQ的維護責任與公司的客服體制作初步的結合;其作法是將新問題的處理責任加諸於公司的員工,並由公司主管監督其工作進度。藉由這些努力,本研究希望塑造出一個良好的FAQ服務環境,使得顧客與企業能互蒙其利。


Post-sale service (i.e., after-sale service) is a vital part of marketing activities for maintaining customer satisfaction. This study focuses on product FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in the post-sale service category, proposes a framework to allow FAQ navigation and maintenance on the Internet, and implements a prototype system. Users can browse product-related FAQs with assistance from the system. If they cannot find satisfactory information, they could issue new requests, and the company would then resolve them. The system applies software agents to assist the process of FAQ navigation and answering of new questions. Customer requests can also be solved by a community-discussion approach. To force organizations to pay more attention to post-sale service, this study tries to incorporate FAQ maintenance into customer services by requiring employees to answer any raised questions, and allowing the managers to monitor the performance of those employees. Through such efforts, this study establishes a FAQ service environment and creates a win-win situation for both customers and companies.

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社會科學 > 管理學
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