


The Invariance Verification and Research of cross-group Electronic Learning Behavior




余泰魁(Tai-Kuei Yu);林益民(Yi-Min Lin)


不變性檢定 ; 行為模式 ; 交叉效度 ; 結構化方程式模型 ; 線上學習 ; Invariance test ; Behavioral model ; Cross validity ; Structural equation modeling ; Electronic learning




12卷4期(2005 / 10 / 01)


1 - 30






As the various applications of worldwide internets grow rapidly, the higher education institutions provide more distance learning programs, which also makes the research on electronic learning more important. This study attempts to exert programmed behavior theory in terms of the electronic learning system's instructional characteristics. The participants are divided into two groups. The experienced group includes those students who have taken electronic courses for more than one semester, while the less experienced group are those who have just worked on electronic courses for no more then two weeks. The study constructed the basic model of each group's behavioral intention on the electronic learning and then proceeded the cross-group invariance test. Through the examination of the structural equation modeling on the cross-group samples, the stability and cross validation test of measurement model and structural model were proceeded to construct the related construct facet and theory model. Finally, we conclude this study by discussing limitations and implications for research and practice.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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