


A Study on the Model of Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing in IS/IT Outsourcing Projects




林東清(Tung-Ching Lin);劉勇志(Yung-Chih Liou);楊怡娟(Yi-Chuan Yang);陳秀如(Hsiu-Ju Chen)


跨組織知識分享 ; 知識管理 ; 資訊專案委外 ; 紮根理論 ; Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing ; Knowledge Management ; IS/IT Outsourcing ; Grounded Theory




13卷2期(2006 / 04 / 01)


55 - 87




本研究透過質性研究和紮根理論(Grounded Theory),探索在資訊系統委外專案的脈絡下,資訊服務整合公司與行政業務單位間的跨組織知識分享之動態過程。本研究發現雖有不利於專案目標達成的干擾因素(如組織間的落差和缺乏信任)存在,但透過行政單位的資訊部門在互動過程中所扮演中介調節角色的作用下,不僅弭平前二者間知識、認知差異的鴻溝,更進一步地加速組織間信任的建立。 在實務方面的啟發強調委外專案管理應注重並提升資訊部門所能扮演的中介角色功能,以有效發揮其調節與整合的功能,始能減少跨組織溝通和知識分享的障礙,以利組織信任的提升,並順利達成專案目標。在研究方面的啟發說明跨組織知識分享的研究重點,不再只是知識提供者和知識接收者間的成對關係(dyadic relationship),而應重視具有中介角色的多重關係,而且這種關係也應深入到不同的知識分享層次,例如知識的「整合者」。


By using qualitative research methodology and Grounded Theory, the study investigates the dynamical process of inter-organizational knowledge sharing under the context of IS/IT outsourcing projects. Although barriers, such as knowledge gaps and lack of trust exist between organizations and impede the success of a project, the mediating role that MIS department plays can not only bridge the gaps, but also speed up the process of trust building. The implication of this study for practitioners emphases that the mediating role played by MIS department is able to smooth the process of knowledge sharing and communication in IS/IT outsourcing. The implication for academic researchers concludes that the focus of knowledge sharing should shift from dyadic relationship between knowledge suppliers and knowledge receivers to multiple relationships among various social actors, and investigate more sophisticated properties of knowledge sharing such as ”knowledge integrator”.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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