


Escalation Patterns of Software Outsourcing: A Game Perspective




王文良(Wen-Liang Wang);林信惠(Hsin-Hui Lin)


外包延宕 ; 賽局理論 ; 可信承諾 ; 可信嚇阻 ; 避免損失 ; outsourcing escalation ; game theory ; credible deterrence ; credible commitment ; loss aversion




13卷S期(2006 / 10 / 01)


17 - 40






Project escalation means that a failing project is permitted to continue and good money is thrown after bad. According to survey reports, about 30% to 40% of software projects emerge this phenomenon. Most escalation studies in the past focused on over-committed behaviors of in-housing project agents. Being very popular now, outsourcing projects can be mainly influenced by its powerful stakeholders, such as customers and top managers, and remain few escalation studies. First of all, this study redefines outsourcing escalation based on a pilot case. Then, six escalation cases were in progresses and three patterns of outsourcing escalation were abstracted. The results indicate that credible deterrence of customer and credible commitment of vendor will influence each other in condition of loss aversion. Past opinions regarded project escalation as the result of decision errors. From the perspective of game theory, this study points out that rational decision between customer and vender lead to decision dilemmas.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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