
A Study of User-Analyst Mindmap Divergence: Using the IQA Approach






林純雅(Chwen-Yea Lin);方國定(Kwo-Ting Fang);杜健忠(Chien-Chung Tu)


交互式質性分析方法 ; 認知差異 ; 心智圖 ; 選擇性知覺 ; 溝通行動理論 ; Interactive Qualitative Analysis IQA ; cognitive divergence ; mindmap ; selective perception ; Theory of communicative action




14卷s期(2007 / 10 / 01)


188 - 217




面對資訊系統的高失敗率但卻只有不到20%的失敗是與技術問題有關聯,而不同背景的人擁有不同的認知,因此系統分析師和使用者對資訊系統設計的認知會有所不同。然上述現象又隱藏了系統分析師與使用者之間正確與清楚瞭解的溝通問題。本研究應用交互式質性分析方法(Interactive Qualitative Analysis, IQA)比較系統分析師與使用者對系統設計心智圖(mindmap)的分歧,並以溝通行動理論解釋認知差異的產生原因。 IQA是一種具有結構化和系統化的質性分析方法且已成功的應用在不同的領域,在比較系統分析師與使用者的心智圖後,做了一些建議:例如分析師是自我意識導向,使用者是功能導向,文中並對其意含進行探討。


Despite the high failure rates quoted for information systems (IS), only less than 20% of all failures are related to technical problems. Since different stakeholders may hold different perceptions, we cannot assume that what the system analyst wants to see is the same as what the user wants to see. Many human communication issues may hinder the efforts to accurately capture and clearly understand human interaction. The main purpose of this study is to identify the cognitive divergence between analysts and users during information system (IS) design. Using the Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) approach, we compare how analysts and users' different mindmaps and communicative action theory provide explanations for the divergence. The potential of using a mindmap is to make comparisons and interpretations. The IQA approach is a very structured and systematic qualitative analysis approach that has been successfully applied in various tasks. After comparing the different mindmaps of analysts and users, we can make some suggestions such as analysts are self-conscious, whereas users are function-oriented. Implications for analysts and users are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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