


The Influence of Ideal Patterns of Strategic Alignment on Knowledge Management Performance




孫思源(Szu-Yuan Sun);李奕信(Yi-Hsin Li);趙珮如(Pei-Ju Chao);吳章瑤(Chang-Yao Wu)


形態Gestalts配適 ; 知識管理策略 ; 知識管理結構 ; 資訊科技策略 ; 資訊科技結構 ; 知識管理績效 ; Gestalts ; Knowledge management strategy ; Knowledge management structure ; IT strategy ; IT structure ; Knowledge management performance




14卷s期(2007 / 10 / 01)


29 - 55






Knowledge management (KM) has been a hot topic of the industry and academicians during the past years. It is an attempt to transform business competition from a conventional fight over physical cost to the leading role of knowledge over business successes and failures. Despite there is important relationship between knowledge management and information technology, there has been little research about aligning knowledge management with information technology. Thus, this study is based on the gestalt perspective of fit and theory-based ideal coalignment patters to propose an operational model of strategic alignment. This study used empirical methods to validate the model we proposed. The samples were divided into three sectors: manufacturing industry、service industry and finance industry. Statistical analyses were performed with the aid of SPSS 13.0 and EQS 6.1. The main findings are the ideal patterns and importance of the information technology strategy.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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