


A Composite Model of Knowledge Creation: IT Innovation Perspective




周斯畏(S. W. Chou);張又介(Y. C. Chang)


科技創新 ; 知識創造 ; 吸收能力 ; 過載現象 ; 嘗試理論 ; knowledge creation ; technological innovation ; absorptive capacity ; overload ; theory of trying




14卷s期(2007 / 10 / 01)


87 - 111






Knowledge creation plays a critical role in affecting a firm's competitive edge. However, the impact of IT users' innovation on knowledge creation is largely ignored. To address this, this study proposes an integrated model by adopting two streams of theory: theory of trying and innovation infusion theory. More specifically, this study incorporates following variables: absorptive capacity, overload, IT innovation, dynamic, and knowledge creation. A theoretical model is developed by arguing that while knowledge conversion and interactions (in terms of SECI model) is influenced by IT users' innovation capability, which in turn is affected by an individual's absorptive capacity. While individuals' absorptive capacity refers to the facilitators of IT innovation, their interaction with the overload (impeding absorptive capacity) can not be neglected. In addition, the moderating effect of the environmental uncertainty should also be assessed. We tested our hypotheses through a field survey from 175 who have already adopted and used IT. Our findings confirm most of our hypotheses, such as the interaction effect between absorptive capacity and qualitative overload exists, which affects technological innovation. In addition, the above relationships are moderated by dynamic. Further, technological innovation influences the knowledge creation positively. Quantitative overload have negatively effect on technological innovation. Implications and discussions are also provided.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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