


An Empirical Study of the Multinational Enterprises' International Marketing Channel, Network Structure and the Level of e-Business Activity on the Channel Performance




張心馨(Hsin-Hsin Chang);王怡臻(I-Chen Wang)


網絡結構 ; 企業電子化 ; 國際行銷通路 ; Network relationship ; e-Business ; international marketing channel performance




15卷2期(2008 / 04 / 01)


47 - 83






This study investigates the factors influencing the choice of international marketing channels, overseas network relationship, the level of e-business, and international marketing channel performance. Case study visit three companies for modify the original model according to the analysis of the case study reports, and then follow-up with questionnaire investigation. Statistical analysis of the latter can help to verify the correctness of the theoretical model, and can provide a comparison with cases and previous work. From the case study organizations, found that the demands of the target market factor and the resource payout for the company factor are the main considerations when choosing channel forms for most companies. The main differences among networks result from the various extents of centralization. Results of data analysis, the market situations, the company conditions, and the cooperation of channel members are the most appreciated factors for a company when choosing their channel. Various channel forms will result in different degrees of inter-trust, inter-profit, centralization, and formulization between the enterprise and its overseas contacts. This research analyses the international marketing channel from the perspective of e-business and network infrastructure, in the hope that it will provide insight into its management for higher foreign earnings.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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