


An Empirical Study of Continuing Usage in Blog Context: Based on Expectation Confirmation Theory




許麗玲(Li-Ling Hsu);何晉滄(Chin-Tsang Ho);黃文楷(Wen-Kai Huang)


Blog ; 期望確認理論 ; 知覺Blog網站特性 ; 知覺Blog使用特性 ; Blog ; Expectation Confirmation Theory ECT ; Perceived Characteristics of Blog ; Perceived Use of Blog




15卷4期(2008 / 10 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究旨在探討Blog使用者持續採用行為,以「期望確認理論」(Expectation Confirmation Theory, ECT)為基礎,並透過整理過去有關Blog特性、科技採用與資訊系統成功的相關文獻,歸納出影響Blog持續採用之相關因素,藉以提出一套能夠適用於Blog情境之理論模式。在「期望確認理論」相關文獻中,尚未有研究結合「互動性」的觀點來探討系統使用者之持續採用行為,本研究延伸期望確認理論之相關變數,以讓此理論應用在Blog的情境上更臻完整。本研究之對象為台灣地區的Blog使用者,使用期間超過3個月以上並且目前仍繼續使用之使用者為主,經由三階段有效問卷篩選,一共回收739份有效問卷,使用LISREL進行結構方程模式分析資料分析之結果,均傾向於支持本研究所提出之假說,本研究遂歸納出四項研究發現:1.「確認程度」對「知覺Blog使用特性」與「知覺Blog網站特性」具有正向顯著之影響。2.「知覺Blog品質特性」對「確認程度」與「Blog使用者滿意度」具有正向顯著之影響。3.「確認程度」、「知覺Blog使用特性」與「知覺Blog網站特性」對「Blog使用者滿意度」具有正向顯著之影響。4.「Blog使用者滿意度」對「Blog使用者持續採用意圖」具有正向顯著之影響。最後,根據研究結果提供Blog服務提供業者一些有效管理Blog系統營運之實務建議。


In this study, a research is conducted on users continuing use in Blog based on Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT). Efforts are made to generalize factors that influence continuing use behavior through the literature review on the topic of web sites' characteristics, information technology adoption, and Information systems success. So far, there hasn't been any research in ECT investigating continuing use in terms of interactivity. Therefore, we extended the variables of ECT to better explain the continuing use of Blog under different context. With users continuing use of Blog for more than 3 months in Taiwan as research subjects, data analysis is conducted via LISREL statistical analysis, with 739 valid questionnaires returned. This study concludes four main results with using Blog system, including: 1. Expectation confirmation has positive effect on the extent of perceived use and perceived characteristics of Blog. 2. Perceived quality of Blog has a positive impact on the expectation confirmation and users' satisfaction. 3. Extent of expectation confirmation, perceived characteristics of Blog and perceived use of Blog has been evaluated as positive significance on users' satisfaction. Finally, users' satisfaction of Blog has positive significance on users' intention. On the whole, most of hypotheses were supported. Implications are also provided.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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