


An Empirical Study of User Satisfaction for Web-based Self-service




顏永森(Yung-Shen Yen)


網路自助服務 ; 使用者滿意度 ; 風險承擔態度 ; 信任態度 ; web-based self-service ; user satisfaction ; risk-taking attitude ; trust




15卷4期(2008 / 10 / 01)


151 - 175






As E-Commerce burgeons, consumers nowadays may instantly get services they need through the web-based self-service (WBSS) without being limited by time and space. However, are consumers really satisfied with these services? In user satisfaction perspective, WBSS with new technologies has inevitably brought about transaction risks. When errors happen in the trading process, do people with different risk-taking attitudes or level of trusts have different degrees of satisfaction? To find out these questions, this study explored the existing WBSS from the view of user satisfaction. Five kinds of WBSS were selected in this study in order to compare the differences in user satisfaction between them. Two different user attributes, risk-taking attitude and level of trust, were set as moderating variables. The results of this study show that user satisfaction with WBSS is affected by three elements, namely system quality, information quality, and service quality. Different WBSS vary significantly in terms of user satisfaction and the risk-taking attitude and level of trust both interfere with user satisfaction.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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