


The Effects of the Shopping Site's Internet-Mediated Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty from the Customer Perspective




李淑芳(Su-Fang Lee)


社會交換 ; 經濟交換 ; 顧客關係管理 ; 關係品質 ; 關係式忠誠度 ; 交易式忠誠度 ; Social Exchange ; Economic Exchange ; Customer Relationship Management ; Relational Quality ; Loyalty




15卷4期(2008 / 10 / 01)


177 - 203






The cutting-edge networking technologies available today decade are now offering an unprecedented collection of powerful capabilities for businesses to implement innovative customer relationship management (CRM). These capabilities can greatly facilitate the acquisition, dissemination, and application of customer and market information. Never has it been more convenient for businesses to design and implement highly responsive customer-related processes. Comparison shopping involves not much more effort than just a little clicking around and is not only convenient but also powerful for savvy online customers. To be truly innovative in offering appealing customer value, therefore, businesses must develop a deep understanding of their customers by going beyond mere the notion of customer satisfaction and examining other important issues such as relationship commitment, trust, and loyalty in the context of online shopping. This study analyzed the impacts of businesses' Internet customer relationship management (I-CRM) practices on customer satisfaction, commitment, trust and loyalty. The linear structural modeling analysis software AMOS was employed to validate the theoretical model from two distinct perspectives: social exchange and economic exchange. Among other findings, a positive impact of I-CRM practices on relational quality was found for both perspectives. And relational quality positively impacted loyalty. Different degrees of some of these impacts from different perspectives were also identified.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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