


An Integrated Model of ERP Users' Continuance Intention: Social Cognitive Theory and Expectation Confirmation Theory




周斯畏(Shih-Wei Chou);陳碧玉(Pi-Yu Chen)


個人IT創新能力 ; 電腦自我效能 ; 電腦焦慮 ; 確認性 ; 知識半衰期 ; personal innovativeness in IT ; computer self-efficacy ; computer anxiety ; confirmation ; knowledge half-life




16卷1期(2009 / 01 / 01)


79 - 108






Many of the prior studies emphasize the impact of an IT (information technology) user's beliefs and attitudes on behavior. Few of them address their relationship from the perspective of individual differences. Given the high cost of implementing ERP and the benefit gained from continuance ERP usage tends to compensate the cost, understanding how an ERP user's continuance intention becomes critical. Drawing on social cognitive and expectation-confirmation theory, we propose a model aiming to delineate the relationship among dynamic individual differences (computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety), static individual differences (personal innovativeness in IT) and continuance intention. This study also investigates whether an ERP user's confirmation moderates the above relationship. Through a field survey of 305 respondents, most of the proposed hypotheses were supported-individual differences affect continuance intention either directly or indirectly (through confirmation or satisfaction). The relationship between personal innovativeness in IT and ERP continuance intention is negatively contingent on knowledge half-life. Finally, confirmation moderates our model.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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