


Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Medical Tourism Service Recommendation System




羅濟群(Chi-Chun Lo);程鼎元(Ding-Yuan Cheng);陳志華(Chi-Hua Chen);盧盈蓉(Yin-Jung Lu);陳昌民(Chang-Min Chen)


觀光醫療 ; 推薦系統 ; 資訊檢索 ; 自動摘要 ; 決策支援系統 ; Medical Tourism ; Recommend System ; Information Retrieval ; Text Summarization ; Decision Support System




16卷_S期(2009 / 01 / 01)


131 - 152




近年來,隨著經濟成長、人民生活水準的提高、醫學藥物進步,民眾的平均年齡已顯著的延長,銀髮族、樂活族(Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability, LOHAS)人口逐漸增加,而國人疾病型態及死亡原因,也由原來的急性傳染病和急性疾病,轉變成慢性疾病,如心臟病、糖尿病、高血壓等。 本研究有鑑於觀光醫療的未來需要,提出一套有效的決策支援系統(Decision Support Systems, DSS)-智慧型觀光醫療服務推薦系統(Intelligent Medical Tourism Service Recommendation System, IMTSRS),以提供觀光醫療服務(Medical Tourism Service, MTS)相關資訊的推薦,進而提供一套整合的服務平台,結合專家的醫療知識,同時考量各個療法對病症的正向影響和負向影響,並搭配語意網架構推論使用者的病徵,以推薦給使用者一個合適的觀光醫療綜合資訊服務,讓使用者於旅遊同時享受健康生活。


The rise of the quality of life index together with the improvement of medical technology lead to a longer life expectancy. Thus a better health care program, especially for elderly, is needed. The common health problems facing those senior citizens are changed from acute diseases to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and etc. Along with these changes, medical tourism is becoming the trend of the future. In this paper, we propose a decision support systems, the Intelligent Medical Tourism Service Recommendation System (IMTSRS), which provides an adaptive Medical Tourism Service (MTS). The MTS will provide relevant recommendations to its user. The IMTSRS is built upon an integrated service platform in which medical experts' knowledge and all positive and negative influence of the proposed therapy are considered. Above all, a patient's symptom is inferred by using semantic network.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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