


Document Clustering Based on Frequent Itemset Integrated with Approximate Pattern Matching




楊燕珠(Yen-Ju Yang);陳志豐(Chih-Feng Chen)


高頻項目集 ; 樣式匹配 ; 特徵抽取 ; 文件分群 ; Frequent Itemset ; Pattern Matching ; Feature Extraction ; Document Clustering




16卷_S期(2009 / 01 / 01)


165 - 184






Due to the popularization of the Internet, more and more users read desired data by directly searching from the Internet. This research aims to group a large number of texts by thematic document clustering for users rapidly realizing how many topics in those texts and picking up the interested topics to read. In order to extract more meaningful features, we propose an approach integrating frequent itemset with approximate pattern matching to mine the ”Approximate Frequent Patterns”. The distance (similarity) of approximate matching is adopted in measurement of feature weights, which is different from the traditional support count (frequency) of itemsets. In addition, the ”Two-Phase Density and Similarity-Based Clustering Algorithm” is presented. This method doesn't need setting cluster number in advance, so as to be suitable for thematic document clustering. The experimental results show that the number of ”Approximate Frequent Patterns” is 1.42 times of that of flexible word pairs and 0.84 times of that of single terms. Using this feature extraction, the clustering result in average recall, precision and accuracy are all higher than flexible word pairs, bigram and single word. This proves that ”Approximate Frequent Patterns” can really extract more meaningful and discriminative features. Besides, our presented clustering algorithm can promote the speed, easily decide appropriate cluster number, and improve the quality and accuracy of document clustering.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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