


The Study in Perception of Knowledge Transfer Channel: With the Example of e-Learning Environment




吳盛(Sheng Wu);王貴英(Kuei-Ing Wang);劉忠誠(Chung-Cheng Liu)


知識傳遞 ; 通訊管道擴張理論 ; 社會影響力 ; 系統使用成效 ; Knowledge transfer ; Channel expansion theory ; Social influence ; Information systems effectiveness




16卷3期(2009 / 07 / 01)


1 - 28




組織內知識的移轉需要靠一些特定的媒體來進行傳遞,這些媒體是影響組織知識管理成效的重要背景因素。本研究從系統使用成效的角度來探討知識傳遞管道豐富度認知的重要性及其影響因素。本研究主要根據Carlson & Zmud的「通訊管道擴張理論」所提出的四種於心智模式中的個人經驗(包括溝通管道的經驗、溝通夥伴的經驗、溝通主題的經驗、與組織背景的經驗),以及Fulk等人所提出的「社會影響力」為影響豐富度認知的主要因素。有鑑於e-learning環境為典型的知識傳遞管道,本研究以網路大學學員為研究對象,採用問卷調查法來收集資料,以路徑分析法對研究架構進行檢驗。研究結果顯示,社會影響力認知為影響知識傳遞管道豐富度認知的最重要因素,而對溝通管道的經驗,以及對溝通夥伴的經驗也都對知識傳遞管道豐富度認知有顯著影響;同時,通訊管道的豐富度認知對通訊管道的接受度及滿意度等系統使用成效指標亦有正向的影響。


Knowledge transfer in an organization needs specific media and carriers to transmit knowledge, those media are important factors that influence knowledge management performance. Channel Expansion Theory proposes four experiences will influence the perception of richness (experience with the channel, experience with the messaging topic, experience with the organizational context, and experience with communication partners). Fulk et al. also introduce that social influence affects the perception of richness. This study constructs a research model, in the perspective of information systems effectiveness, by using Channel Expansion Theory and social influence to explore importance and affecting factors of richness perception. The results of this research indicate that social influence, experience with the channel and communication partner have significant and positive impacts on the perceived richness of channel; meanwhile, channel acceptance and satisfaction, indicators of information systems effectiveness, are positively affected by the perceived richness of channel.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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