


A Study on the Relationships among the Environmental Uncertainty, Information Strategy, Organization Communication and Performance




陳佑全(Yu-Chuan Chen);唐順明(Shung-Ming Tang);李承蓉(Cheng-Jung Lee)


環境不確定 ; 資訊策略 ; 組織溝通 ; 績效 ; Environmental uncertainty ; Information strategy ; Organization communication ; Performance




17卷1期(2010 / 01 / 01)


47 - 79






The objective of this study is to explore the relationships among the environmental uncertainty, information strategy, organization communication and performance in Taiwan's industries. We use mail survey questionnaire on this research. Then, we verify the research model and hypothesis using structural equation modeling analysis. Chandler had studied the relationships among environment, strategy and structure. On the other hand, many scholars had explored some empirical research for the relationships of environment, strategy, and performance on the industries. Therefore, our research intends to study the relationships of the information strategy, organization communication and performance under environmental uncertainty. The results of this research are the environmental uncertainty has significant influences on the information strategy and performance. Information strategy significantly affects organization communication. Organization communication also has impact on the performance. Secondly, we examine the mediating effect of the Organization communication between Information strategy and performance is obtained support, but Information strategy has no significant effect on the performance. Information strategy doesn't mediate the effect of environmental uncertainty on the performance. In the future, the findings of this research can provide reference to select the proper information strategy and organization communication to raise enterprise performance under environmental uncertainty.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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