


A Cross Level Research of Blog Interaction and Blog Community on Blog User's Loyalty-Blogger Personality Trait and Blogger Involvement as Moderating Variable




林妙雀(Miao-Que Lin);溫福星(Fur-Hsing Wen)


部落格互動 ; 部落格社群 ; 部落客人格特質 ; blog interaction ; blog community ; blogger personality trait




17卷3期(2010 / 07 / 01)


107 - 130






Blog is growing rapidly in recent years. The blogs are created in every 1.4 seconds. Blogs create remarkable benefits which attract both individual and corporate users. However, 80% attention is given on 20% blogs only. Many bloggers spend much effort but still unable to gain recognition by end-users. As the result, it turns to be an important issue that how to leverage the blogs' interaction and to build a community to provide a win-win solution for both users. In this paper, we used multilevel design to collect 35 Bloggers' personality trait and involvement and examined their moderating effects on the relationship between 809 Blog users' blog interaction, community trust, community commitment and loyalty. Because of the Blog users are nested within Blog¸ we used hierarchical linear model to analyze the impact of the blog users' blog interaction, community trust and commitment on the loyalty and the cross-level interaction effects of bloggers' personality trait and involvement and blog users' blog interaction and community on users' loyalty. The results showed that the interaction and community would positively influence their loyalty in random cofefficient model. In addition, the cross-level interaction effects were significant. In other words, bloggers of internal personality trait and of higher extent of involvement will moderate the positive relationship in a stronger way between users' interaction and community and loyalty.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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