


A Redesign of Computer Users Interface and a Verification of Technology Acceptance Model




李國瑋(Kuo-Wei Lee);李應註(Ying-Chu Lee)


使用者界面 ; 工具球 ; 滑鼠滾輪 ; 科技接受模式 ; programming language ; skill transfer ; positive transfer ; negative transfer




17卷4期(2010 / 10 / 01)


1 - 30




在電腦的圖形使用者界面上,以滑鼠按鍵點擊工具列,係最基本的電腦軟體操作架構。唯軟體功能未必須由按鍵動作來執行,「按鍵動作滾輪化」已是軟體操作的趨勢之一。如Windows Vista, Office 2007的諸多軟體功能,即以滾輪來取代按鍵的操作動作。因應此趨勢,本研究在軟體上,乃實作一以滾輪為操作基礎的改良式圖形使用界面-多重工具球;在硬體上,則實作一多重滾輪,以進一步拓展滾輪應用價值。同時,藉由「多重滾輪+多重工具球」的結合,成為一創新的電腦軟體使用者界面。 最後,本研究針對此界面進行軟體操作效能的驗證以及使用者的使用意向進行評估。研究結果顯示「多重滾輪+多重工具球」的軟體操作方式,在諸多軟體功能的執行上,較傳統「滑鼠按鍵+工具列」有更佳之操作效能,同時使用者對此新科技亦有一定的接受與認同。


On the issue of graphical user interface (GUI), clicking toolbar with mouse click is an ordinary way to operate software functions. However, software functions are not necessary performed by ”mouse click”. Rolling mouse wheel instead of mouse click is a trend of software operation. In Windows Vista and Office 2007, we can find mouse click is replaced with mouse wheel to perform much software functions. Following the trend, in the aspect of software, this study tries to implement an improved GUI-multi-tool balls, which is operated by a mouse wheel. On the other hand, in the aspect of hardware, we redesigned multi-mouse wheels and increase the application of mouse wheel. Then, by combing ”multi-tool balls and multi-mouse wheels”, we develop an innovative framework to operate software. At last, this study examined the efficiency of the innovative user interface and assessed the intension of using the new technology. The empirical results reveal that the operation framework of「multi- tool balls + multi- mouse wheels」is more efficient than the one of 「toolbar + mouse click」in performing many software functions, and the users also accept and access the new technology.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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