


An Empirical Study of User's Experiential Value Impact User's Continuance Intention in Blog Context




許麗玲(Li-Ling Hsu);徐村和(Tsuen-Ho Hsu);唐嘉偉(Jia-Wei Tang);梁智勇(Chin-Yung Liang)


Blog ; 體驗價值 ; 科技接受模式 ; 持續使用意向 ; Blog ; Experiential Value ; Technology Accept Model ; Continuance Intention




17卷4期(2010 / 10 / 01)


89 - 117






In this study, a research is conducted on user's continuing use in Blog focus on user's experiential value and technology accept model based on the integration of Interaction, Enjoyment, Usefulness, and Easy of use. This study proposes a theoretical model which applied in Blog and explained as well as predicted user's experiential value when they used Blog. The findings of this research includes: (1) Interaction, Information quality and system quality have positive on consumer return on investment, server excellence, aesthetics and playfulness; (2) Enjoyment and easy of use has positive impact on consumer return on investment, aesthetics and playfulness; (3) Usefulness has positive impact consumer return on investment, server excellence and playfulness; (4) Consumer return on investment, aesthetics and playfulness has positive impact on user's attitude of Blog; (5) User's attitude of Blog has positive impact on user's satisfaction; (6) User's attitude of Blog and user's satisfaction of Blog has positive significance on users' intention on users' continuance intention. Implications and suggestions for strategies are also provided to Blog managers.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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